
you leave me speechless....

Today, I took the chance to enjoy some of the sun in the city while doing some shopping. I got a great top at H&M (they still got SALE ;)) for € 5. I was looking for some Chinos like pants but I couldn't find the one I was looking for....well, I guess that means I have to go back to the city tomorrow...and this Frappucino I had was really delicious. It tasted like you just had a bite of a fresh a** peach :) yummy :)
Peach 'Smoothie' at Café Sammo, € 2,50 Chino-like Jersey pants, H&M, € 9,95


my new job..:)

I've been on my semesterbreak for about 6 weeks now and I got 6 more weeks to go :) Since I want to pursue a career in journalism/PR, I sought some opportunities to improve my skills and learn something new. And luckily, I got the chance to apply at a great basketball club and they offered me a great deal. I get to write the articles and press releases on the DEUTSCHE BANK SKYLINERS Juniors which basically is the clubs' (DEUTSCHE BANK SKYLINERS) ProB Team. I started working there yesterday and I already had two marvellous days there, I can say I really enjoy my job. I even got the chance to play a bit of basketball today, come on, son, you gotta love it! Here's a pic of my shirt that I got today- it's official:)


my today's shopping haul

I'm on my semester break right now but I'm not having that much time really since I'm pretty much working everday. I had a day off today, so I took the time today to go shopping with my sister and I had the chance to buy some nice things....of course, I took some pictures :) Tomorrow, I'm off to Frankfurt. No doubt I will take some pictures there, too :) :)


Pretty Girl Swag

I know it's been a while since I posted some new stuff. But things have been very stressful and hectic lately. Now I finally took the time to do some shopping. And of course, I want to share it with you guys. :) Let me know what you think. I'm thinking about getting a new pair of sneakers, too. :D


Festival des deutschen Films// German movie festival

You love to watch movies and you are interested in movie makers and production? Well, then there's a great festival going on close to my hometown in Ludwigshafen which is called 'Festival des deutschen Films' taking place from June 16th-June27th,2010 at Parkinsel, Ludwigshafen. There you get the chance to watch German movies and even get to meet the actors and movie makers and talk to them about their movies. Entrance fees are 7,50 € for adults. Attached you find a article written by myself on the festival, it's in German though :P
Vom 16. bis 27.Juni 2010 findet auf der Parkinsel in Ludwigshafen das alljährliche Festival des deutschen Films statt. Was das Festival so anziehend macht, weiß Festivaldirektor Dr. Michael Kötz ganz genau: „Ich glaube, Sie wollen etwas Anderes. Sie wollen sich endlich auf einen Film mal wieder richtig einlassen, ohne Ablenkung, ohne Unterbrechung. Sich in eine Geschichte vertiefen, sie wirklich miterleben, sich überwältigen lassen von den Bildern, den Gesichtern, den Landschaften, und wenn es auch die Landschaften einer Seele sind.“ Nach einer beeindruckenden Besucherzahl von 32.000 Menschen im Juni 2009, hofft man dies
in diesem Jahr übertreffen zu können und so lud man auch dieses Jahr Schauspieler und Filmemacher zu Filmgesprächen ein, um den Talkshows rund um die Schauspieler und Stars von morgen zu folgen oder gar selbst Fragen zu stellen. Neben der Vorstellung sämtlicher Kino-und Fernsehfilme, wird auch der ein oder andere Preis verliehen. Der diesjährige Preis für Schauspielkunst ging an Moritz Bleibtreu, der vergangenen Freitag den Preis persönlich auf der Parkinsel entgegennahm und danach sogar zum Filmgespräch blieb, um über den Film, „Jud süß-Film ohne Gewissen“, zu sprechen, in dem er neben Armin Rohde, Robert Stadlober, Martina Gedeck, uvm. als Joseph Goebbels brilliert. Doch dies ist nicht der einzige Höhepunkt des Festivals. So haben neben Moritz Bleibtreu auch Nikolai Kinski, Karoline Eichhorn, Uwe Bohm, Katharina Schüttler ihr Kommen zugesagt. Nächstes Festivalhighlight winkt bereits am Donnerstag, 24.Juni, 20.15 Uhr, wenn im Festivalkino 1 auf der Ludwigshafener Parkinsel der Filmkunst-Sonderpreis für den „Herausragenden Fernsehfilm“ verliehen wird mit anschließender Vorführung des Siegerfilms. Es lohnt sich vorbeizuschauen, schließlich ist der Eintritt frei! Noch bis Sonntag, 27.Juni sind Filme aller Art und für jede Altersgruppe (es werden auch Kinderfilme gezeigt) zu sehen. Eintrittskarten (für Filme) sind für den Preis von 7,50 € zu erwerben, ermäßigt gar für 5,50 €. Eintrittskarten für Fernsehfilme kosten 3.-€ und der Eintritt für Kinder beträgt 1,50 €, Begleitperson frei. Weitere Informationen zum Festival und den bevorstehenden Filmaufführungen und aktuelle Berichte gibt es auf www.festival-des-deutschen-films.de


Just don't tell nobody our secrets, baby

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Finally a man who appreciates all the time we put into getting ready, getting our hair and make up done. Fancy, huh!


Soccer live on campus pt.II

After my first lecture I took the time to have lunch and watch some soccer. A lot of students had the same idea, obviously, and so the place was crowded. I was lucky to find a vacant seat. Here are some impressions.....seems like these are going to be some fun four weeks :)

Soccer live on campus

This is what I first saw, when I arrived on campus this morning. And of course, I'd like to share this with you guys. Since the FIFA soccer world championships 2010 started on Friday, they hooked us up with this screen. That way we get the chance to watch some of the games live on campus (instead of visiting a lecture :P or while having lunch) so we don't miss anything. I really like this and I cant wait to watch some of the games here on campus. I dont know any university that has something dope like that, do you ?


Summer in the city

Just came back from a short trip to the city and I thought I'd take a picture from my sister's balcony watching the sun go down. Enjoy your weekend everyone and make sure to enjoy the beautiful summer we are having right now. Much love!


Put those fucking heels on and work it, girl!!!!!

How could I forget about this song?????Of course, this is one of my favs as well. Let me know what you think and if you gonna buy the album!!